Menopause treatment Big Spring, TX - Balance Hormone Clinic

Understanding Menopause and Its Symptoms

The transition into menopause, medically referred to as perimenopause, starts for most women in their late 40s to early 50s. As the ovaries slow down estrogen and progesterone production, periods become irregular and eventually stop. In addition to menstrual changes, many women experience symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood changes, sleep issues, and more.

While menopause is a natural part of aging, it can significantly impact one's quality of life. The good news is that symptoms are often manageable through lifestyle adjustments and/or hormone therapy. At Balance Hormone Clinic in Big Spring, we specialize in personalized care to help women transition through menopause comfortably.

Key Aspects of Menopause

Our services

Menopausal Symptoms and Treatment Approaches

The wide variety of menopausal symptoms women can experience are primarily related to declining estrogen. Let's explore some of the most common issues and solutions.

Hot Flashes

Vaginal Dryness/Atrophy

Emotional Changes

Sleep Issues

Importance of Hormone Testing

Getting your hormone levels tested is key to understanding what's happening in your body and determining optimal treatment approaches. The tests we typically recommend before starting therapy include:

Based on your lab results and symptoms, our practitioners can map out a customized care plan. We also retest levels periodically to monitor treatment effectiveness and make dosage adjustments as needed.

Benefits of Hormone Therapy

While not right for every woman, hormone therapy (HT) is the most effective approach for treating moderate to severe menopause symptoms. It can provide immense relief by replenishing declining hormones. Benefits may include:

In partnering with an experienced menopause specialist, hormone therapy can be customized to your needs and closely monitored for safety.

Types of Hormone Therapy

There are a few options when it comes to HT regimens:

We will help determine the most appropriate hormones and delivery methods tailored to your health history, risk factors, preferences, and treatment goals.

Managing Side Effects

Some women experience side effects like breast tenderness, bloating, headache, or spotting initially. These often resolve within a few months but should be reported to your practitioner. We'll make adjustments as needed to improve comfort.

The risks associated with oral combined HT like stroke, blood clots, gallbladder issues, and some cancers are low. We'll take precautions based on your personal and family medical history.

Careful symptom monitoring and consistent follow-up lab testing helps us minimize risks so you get the rewards safely!

Take control of your menopause symptoms today!

Local Menopause Specialists

At Balance Hormone Clinic in Big Spring, Texas, we have an entire team dedicated to menopause management. Below are just a few of our experts:

Dr. Reynolds, MD

Monica Smith, WHNP

Dr. Dennison, DO

With nearly 50 years collective experience caring for menopausal women, our practitioners stay current on the latest research and treatment options. We are proud to offer both traditional and functional medicine approaches.

Lifestyle Support for Menopause

While hormone therapy is excellent for relieving troublesome symptoms, making certain lifestyle changes can also be very helpful:

Building these habits reduces symptoms naturally and helps you feel your best during the menopausal transition and beyond!

Local Lifestyle Support Resources

Big Spring has some fantastic clinical and wellness resources women can take advantage of during menopause:

Please let us know if you need help getting connected with any local practitioners or wellness centers! We are happy to refer you.

Interesting fact

A little-known menopause symptom that can be effectively treated is burning mouth syndrome, which causes a burning pain in the mouth and tongue. Doctors can prescribe clonazepam, a medication typically used for seizures and anxiety, but also found to provide relief for this menopause-related mouth discomfort when taken regularly.

When is the Best Time for Treatment?

It's never too early or too late to seek treatment for bothersome menopause symptoms. However, keep these tips in mind:

Meet with one of our Balance Hormone Clinic practitioners to determine what stage of menopause you're in and the right time to begin treatment. We're here to support you through the entire process.

Take control of menopause symptoms, seek personalized care!

Our Menopause Clinic Advantage

We founded Balance Hormone Clinic specifically to help women struggling with perimenopause and menopause symptoms affecting their daily lives. Here is what sets us apart:

We simplify menopause so you can feel like yourself again!


We hope this overview has helped you better understand menopause treatment options and what to expect from our exceptional clinic. To get started on your path to wellness:

We are honored to support Big Spring area women through every stage of menopause. Please let us help you thrive!

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